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Watch recordings from the New Year's Conference 2021

Meet best-selling author of the Big Short, Michael Lewis, Black Swan author Nassim Taleb as well as other world-renowned experts on the economy, globalisation, risk analysis and sustainability. The theme of this year's conference is Investment risks and opportunities – what lies ahead? 

Nobel laureates, innovators, academics, philosophers and entrepreneurs. SKAGEN Funds' New Year's Conference has featured many well-known - and not yet so well-known - names since 2004.

The New Year's Conference usually takes place over three consecutive days in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm. In 2021, we will for the first time be conducting a live digital event with speakers and participants joining us from all over the globe.

Listen to this year's prestigious line-up of speakers live on 12 January 2021


New Year's Conference logotyp

Speakers 2021

You will find an overview of this year's speakers below.

New Year's Conference
Dan Gardner
26 November 2024

The Bestselling Author Who Challenges Risk and Uncertainty. Acclaimed by The Economist, New York Times bestseller, and advisor to the Canadian Prime Minister, the journalist Dan Gardner has made a career of challenging risk and uncertainty. 

New Year's Conference
Stein Svalestad
25 November 2024

Stein Svalestad is the CEO and a portfolio manager for SKAGEN. Stein joined SKAGEN Funds almost ten ...

New Year's Conference
Jennifer Wallace
20 November 2024

An Active Manager with a Proven Track Record. As the founder, co-owner, and investment director of ...

New Year's Conference
Loretta J. Mester
13 November 2024

A Rate Hawk Offers Insight into the Financial Machinery. After 10 years as one of the twelve ...

New Year's Conference
David Einhorn
31 October 2024

The Art of Playing Your Cards Right. Value investor, author, and poker player. The co-founder and ...

New Year's Conference
Louis-Vincent Gave
30 September 2024

The Mountain Infantryman Exploring Emerging Markets. Emerging markets have been the focus of ...

17 years of New Year's Conference

We have been holding an annual New Year's Conference since 2006. This year we will be host a digital version for the first time. 

Two Nobel Prize winners

Robert Shiller spoke at our New Year's Conference in 2012 and received a Nobel Prize the following year. Paul Krugman received a Nobel Prize in 2008 and was the keynote speaker at our 2014 New Year's Conference. 

Five countries

The New Year's Conference has been held in several European capitals: Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, London and Amsterdam.

Over 90 Speakers

Over the past 17 years, SKAGEN has welcomed over 90 speakers on stage at our New Year's Conferences.

The SKAGEN New Year's Conference is a leading Scandinavian finance conference held in January each year, and is primarily targeted at institutional investors. Do you want to find out more about the conference? Contact customer services by sending an email to

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