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Meet us in Mannheim
SKAGEN Funds will be participating at the Mannheim Fondskongress 2018 in Germany on 24 and 25 January 2018.

For those of you planning to attend the Congress we would be delighted to meet you at our stand number 148 on the second floor.
The case for listed real estate
As part of the official lecture program Portfolio Manager Michael Gobitschek will be speaking in Hall 9 on Wednesday 24 at 1800. The topic of Michael's presentation is "The case for listed global real estate". In his presentation Michael will look at the trends and developments which will drive the global real estate market over the next few years. He will also discuss the benefits of accessing global real estate exposure through an actively managed equity fund of highly diversified, transparent and liquid real estate investments.
SKAGEN m2 is one of Europe's best performing real estate equity funds over the last three years and will be registered for sale in Germany at the beginning of 2018. Portfolio Manager Michael Gobitschek has been managing the fund since it was started on 31st October 2012.
Read more about Michael Gobitschek's views on the global real estate market.
We look forward to seeing you in Mannheim.