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Has it been 25 years already?
Agile, customer-oriented and different. As SKAGEN celebrates its 25th anniversary, the same spirit prevails now as it did when the founders literally sat at the same dinner table as their customers.

“A great deal has happened in SKAGEN over the past quarter of a century. We have been through periods of fantastic success as well as more challenging times. Nonetheless, our fundamental sense of independence and our desire to challenge established truths to the benefit of our clients remains unchanged,” says Tim Warrington, CEO in SKAGEN.
On 1 December 1993, the first SKAGEN fund was launched, namely the equity fund SKAGEN Vekst. SKAGEN’s founders shared a passion for global investing and a strong belief in value based active management, which takes as its starting point finding low-priced companies with potential. Being able to select companies from all over the world and from sectors with limited representation in Norway in order to diversify an equity fund’s risk was a new concept outside of the Oslo Stock Exchange at that time.
Open and honest communication
SKAGEN was founded in order to invest the savings of family and friends. Being able to look clients in the eye is as important now as it has ever been; openness and trust have always been the company's watchwords.
SKAGEN grew quickly to become one of Scandinavia’s leading fund management companies and by 2004, the company was the second largest equity fund manager in Norway. In the same year, we opened our first office outside of Norway, in Stockholm. Today we have offices in London and Amsterdam, in addition to our home markets of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Still growing
We have built our fund offering up slowly and surely over the years. In 1994, we launched our first fixed income fund SKAGEN Avkastning. Three years later came the equity fund SKAGEN Global and in 2002 the emerging markets equity fund SKAGEN Kon-Tiki. We waited a decade before launching another equity fund, namely the global real estate fund SKAGEN m2. Recent years have seen the inception of our high concentration global equity fund SKAGEN Focus and shadow activist fund SKAGEN Insight. See all our milestones.
SKAGEN became part of the Storebrand Group in December 2017, but remains a separate investment boutique reporting to its own board. In addition to distributing our own funds, we now distribute a number of Storebrand’s funds in several markets. Our objective remains the same; to provide clients with the best possible risk adjusted returns over time.
“We have widened our horizons for 25 years. Today SKAGEN has a wider perspective than ever and we know that we make a difference for our clients. The journey continues,” says Tim Warrington.
Watch the 25-year anniversary film